About me

My name is Jonathan Craft. I have what they call cerebral palsy. Which really means that they don’t know how much of my disease will progress and there really is not that much out there on how to treat an adult with my handicap. So already I have over proceeded my life expectancy. And I have come to realize my days may be numbered. I have tried to make the best of my life. I think I know a lot about everything, but the truth is I just know a little bit about a bunch of stuff which sometimes can be a little dangerous. I have a college degree in organizational leadership and an associates degree in social work. I now have a problem getting a job because my handicap is so involved that I need some adaptations to even apply for a job. And I am having trouble with that, because the stuff( the technology) isn’t where I need it to be so that I could be successful at any job. So I am stuck in the waiting game. So that’s where this is what I consider my job until I can get a job. So any posts that you want me to research that relates to a handicap or to a current event in this world let me know and I will do it but the kicker is not everything is going to pass my approval. So I won’t research everything unless it passes my approval. So if your stuff doesn’t get pass my approval just change it a little bit and then try again. If you want me to research something contact me at and leave any suggestions or comments. Thank you for reading my blog.

Have No Regrets

When you have a regret, you should try to turn that regret around to a positive. Think about all the good that came out of the regret. Think about how it helped you in the long run. Also, think about the other person or people who were involved in the situation. God does not make mistakes. People make mistakes. We should learn from our mistakes. It may be hard sometimes to find the positive. No matter how hard it is, it is worth it to search for the good. Remember the positive outcomes instead of the negative. That will help your mental health more than you know.

Your loving brother in Christ,


Mary’s weapon

We need to start using Mary’s weapon daily. Will you please listen to this inspiring speaker, Father Don Calloway. Please pray about if you should get his book. With praying we can win the battle with Satan. The more we can unite together, the stronger our fight will be in this war against evil. I do believe we are at the climax. Prayers do make a difference. The more we can share this message the better.

Your brother in Christ,
