PSA… and other things (LOL)

DISABILITY NOTE: When you have someone that is older or disabled, don’t tell them that they need a babysitter. Always be sure to word it that you are looking for someone to spend time with them. Some people, including myself, don’t like to be called babies, even when that is a term used widely. Think first of who you could hurt. It is not a way to show respect to anyone, other than a baby. Especially in front of someone that a child likes and respects. It just turns that child and disabled/elderly person’s relationship into something a little less. Lashing out or temper tantrums could easily come out of that. If we have the chance to help keep those emotions of a child at bay, why would we not want to? On the same hand, if you hear or know of someone who does say things like that, please let them also know that it is disrespectful. Whether the older/disabled is non verbal or verbal, speak up for them. Be their voice to the world. It is our choice to treat others well, we should all do our part to be better humans. The caregivers, the family members, the families- we all can help with this. Our reactions to the way this is handled is the chance to make a difference. My advice to you is to stop and remove the person or inform them of what they are doing. How their actions are or could effect others. Not everyone always treats everyone as they should. Not everyone knows just what to say and how to handle this kind of situation. Another possibility that you have now days is to put a camera up and see what exactly is being said and done in your home. Sometimes unfortunately, the caregivers are just as guilty of doing these things. Cameras can be a good way for you and your family to be able to see what is going on when their may be some questions and concerns. One of my pet peeves is that other people, whether capable and “normal” they do not learn from the mistakes of their own decisions. People need to take a stand and do what is right. It may not always be easy, but it is necessary all of the time. Whether is be weeks or days, speak up for what is right. You have to put it on yourself to do what you think is best, but helping others and speaking up for others is ALWAYS the best option, even if it is hard. Its not always easy to do the right thing. Sometimes it could be dangerous to stand your ground, but it is always the right way to go about it. Sorry for my soapbox today. My mind is always running and I have a lot to say a lot of the time. Its my way of sharing my thoughts with the world. And to try to help others get on in the world. Have a great day and remember to be kind.


Judging a book by its cover

In today’s reading we have to remember not to cast out anyone. Everyone is for us until we know different. And sometimes we may know they are for us even though it may not look like it to us. God words for us is :”Do not cast out anyone” He will do that Himself on judgement day. It is not our job to judge anyone, just like judging a book by its cover. We don’t ever know or see all of what is inside. Only God knows this. We only get to know a fraction of a persons life, so it is not up to us to judge. I try not to judge, but it isn’t always easy. Sometimes I even catch myself being upset with myself after I judge a person, because judgement is all I know. It is against God’s will. I try my best to always do God’s will even though I may not know what His will is all of the time. I imagine it to be kind to all and to treat others the same way we want to be treated and to treat the Earth and animals with respect. Outside of what we have to do for survival, to be hunters and gatherers for all of the Earth. Half of us get our foods from the grocery store, we have to rely on someone to take care of it for us. God taught His disciples to fish; for food and men. I know I am not able to do the hunting of food justice, but I will continue to fish for more people to lead to Christ.

Love your brother in Christ,
