Jun 26 – Homily – Fr Matthias: Pope Francis and Mercy

Jun 26 – Homily – Fr Matthias: Pope Francis and Mercy.

God is open to change us, we just have to ask. We also have to be part of his will; in other words if it does not fit into his will, it will not happen. Other words if it is our will, it is not going to get done. It if is his will and our will together, it will get done. Sometimes the squeaky wheel gets the grease, do not quit asking just because you do not receive what you want. Your Brother in Christ, Jonathan.

Threshold of Hope – 2015-06-23 – Fr. Mitch Pacwa, S.J.

We have to respect all aspects of life, that includes ones we don’t think have any rational thinking. After all we do not know if they do are not, only Jesus Christ himself knows. Yes if they are hurting us, we have a right to protect our self. If we feel they might come back to bug us like a pesky fly, we have a right to dispose of them. Many other animals require our care, if we don’t provide care needed to thm that is a sin in my eyes: we may have to pay for in the long run. As you can tell by now, I don’t agree with physician assisted suicide or abortion. In fact, I pray for those that are thinking about abortion or taking their life, that they may have a change of heart. I hope you will also pray for them. Love, Your Brother in Christ. Jonathan Craft.