A few of my favorite things

Never give up. When the tough gets going you better get going faster. Feed somebody a fish you feed somebody for a day. When you teach somebody to fish you feed them for a lifetime. I think the Lord is trying to make me the best writer he knows I can be. I know I copy a lot of stuff but I try to paraphrase when I can.

I know being religious is hard but me speaking from experience It seems harder to be trapped in a handicapped body. When you have to depend on other people all the time and trust me that is hard. I know I go in spurts of posting on this blog. I have to do it when I have help and I know I can get help but sometimes it’s hard for me to ask. I kind of got a system down now. I can post everyday but Saturdays and Sundays. I know that is kind of my fault because all I have to do is ask but there is my downfall on this blog. I hate asking for help so I only do it when I absolutely have to. As I said on other blog posts but the reason why I am doing it again is because I just added a new way you can find me. That’s Twitter. Hopefully this blog will continue to get out to the people that need to read it and I will hopefully continue to touch more lives than I can imagine along the road. Also the United States and the world. You can follow me on twitter @joncraft84.

Your loving brother in Christ

Jon Craft

Everybody’s life is constantly changes

Even though sometimes  were not ready for our lives to change. We have to be aware that it is constantly changing. Even though we are not always consciously aware of it. We have to be ready for almost anything to happen to us. It can be for the worst or for the better, but we have to be aware our life can change in a moment. Notice how I love all of you. I hope you look at this and what I write on a daily basis because  I try to be on here everyday. On weekends its very hard however. My life is changing so that I can do it most weekends. Honestly I honestly feel better when I do it. I always try to be positive when I am doing a blog. Because I know what I am feeling resonates off the page and I don’t want this page to be negative. But what would help me the most is people giving me feedback and possibly subjects to write about. I know you will have to get a login but if your committed to me you will do that to help me or you can go to my Facebook and type in @Joncraft84 and that should be it… I Love You people that take the time to read my blog but I really need some feedback from you. Love your brother in Christ Jon